Rest & Recharge

Spring Clean Your Self Care Routine

Spring has sprung in the Sea to Sky and just like the bears, us humans are coming out of winter and pandemic hibernation. Here at Spark Kombucha our team has been talking a lot about how we’re planning to reconnect with people and keep ourselves rested and recharged this spring. This month we’re breaking down the ways we take care of our mind, body and spirit, and how we’ll be spring cleaning our self care routines.



Two years of social distancing and ever changing restrictions has taken a mental toll on all of us. And working from home, either solo or way too close to your partner or roommates, has left people feeling isolated, disconnected, and anxious about being social again. But with more sunny days to look forward to, now is a great time to check in with yourself and make some subtle changes to calm your mind and find ways to reconnect with yourself and your people. 

Ellen loves to start each day by meditating and getting outside to walk Rufus along the river. The peace of being in nature helps her feel grounded and gives her some time to think things through. Kate is ready to get out of her home office and start collaborating for work in person more. Face to face connection helps to recharge her creative energy and get to know her colleagues better. Amy is trading in her evening binge watching and scrolling for 15 minutes of reading before bed.



Now that the snow has melted from most of the trails in Squamish, more people are outside moving their bodies. Even something as simple as going for a longer dog walk is great for your body (and your pooch too!). Ellen’s dog Rufus definitely appreciates the extra time he gets to sniff the roses now that the rain has subsided a bit. 

It’s suggested that adults should do at least 150 minutes of moderate or vigorous physical activity each week, and limit our screen time and sitting for long periods of time. For those of us that moved into WFH (work from home) roles over the past two years, some of our healthy, active habits may have disappeared. It’s just too easy to sit at your desk staring at your computer all day. 

When Amy is working from home, she tries to take 15 minutes after lunch to go for a walk around her neighbourhood. Not only does it break up the day, but she gets a natural hit of vitamin d when the sun is shining!

Kate tells us you’ll find her exploring the trails on her days off; nature is her happy place! Whether it’s hiking or biking (and even if it’s raining!) Kate makes time to get outside and breathe some fresh air, especially after a full week in front of the computer whipping up fun social posts. 

Spring is also a great time to reset your eating habits and add some gut loving foods into your diet. We might be a little biased, but we suggest starting with kombucha! Fermented foods, including kombucha, have been found to contain probiotics which are beneficial to your gut health. Your guts (and your tastebuds!) will thank you for adding our bubbles with benefits to your healthy routine.



March 20th isn’t just the first day of Spring, it’s also International Day of Happiness. We don’t think that’s a coincidence! Spring is the season of new beginnings, growth, and coming to life again. In our neck of the woods, it means better weather and more chances to get outside and reconnect with the people we’ve been missing. And it’s also the start of patio season! 

But, if you’ve been in hibernation mode since the Fall (or the start of the pandemic!) you might not feel up for a ton of social interaction. We suggest being gentle with yourself, ease yourself back into the activities and groups you used to take part in. 

  • Don’t feel like going to a crowded restaurant? Invite friends over for a potluck dinner at your place. 

  • Not ready to converse with a large group? Plan one on one walks or coffee dates with one friend at a time. 

  • Or if you are feeling ready to get back out there, find a class or group activity you can join to recharge your soul and maybe even meet some new people.

When Ellen is trying to recharge, she likes to focus on what she’s grateful for or treat herself to a Reiki session. Not only do these practices help her reconnect with herself, they also help her feel connected to everything around her. Amy is getting back into good habits and routines with morning yoga and daily positive affirmations. And last we checked, Kate was still out enjoying nature with friends, big smile on her face!


Spring has inspired us to refresh our self care routines and take care of ourselves a little better. We’re looking after our mind, body, and spirit as we get ready to “human” again. But we’re also making sure to rest and recharge as we get back out there. What will you be doing to take care of yourself this spring?

We’d like to say a big thank you to The Scandinave Spa in Whistler for inviting us to enjoy a morning of connection, relaxation and rejuvenation with each other as a team and within ourselves. We’re very excited to see Spark Kombucha offered in their Bistro for all visitors to enjoy while experiencing Hydrotherapy in their technology-free, silent spa.


What’s in Spark Kombucha? Meet THE Ingredients!


Savour the season of love